Wireless network
design and installation

We know the market inside out, and only partner with the best in the business.
Choose wisely

Wireless systems

Our close working relationships with market-leading vendors guarantee you the best design and support, alongside Sand IT’s expert installation and commissioning services.

We’ll guide you through the installation of the right wireless network for you, whether it’s in-house, between buildings, across a wide area or to support moving foot traffic.
Best-in-class wi-fi solutions

Internal wireless networks

Wi-fi is becoming as essential as access to the internet itself, and it’s vital that your business keeps pace with the rate of change.

If you need a solution to keep the foot traffic in your building connected at all times, we can recommend powerful, scalable network solutions that will deliver an unrivalled quality of service to your users, whatever your building environment.

External wireless networks

If you want to extend your network to another building or location, you don’t need to dig up roads. We work with vendors offering a range of top-quality outdoor wireless technology options, including:

• Radio • Microwave • Millimetre wave • Free-space optics • Wi-fi • WiMAX

Find out how we can help. Talk to us on 0203 875 7600.